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Biogenic Aerosols - Effects on Clouds and Climate (BAECC)

1 February 2014 - 13 September 2014

Lead Scientist: Tuukka Petaja

Observatory: AMF , TMP

The Biogenic Aerosols - Effects on Clouds and Climate (BAECC) experiment provided a bridge from a 19-year in situ observation record to the impact of biogenic aerosol on clouds, precipitation, and climate. This was achieved by simultaneous observations of precursor vapor emission, aerosol, cloud and precipitation microstructure. This data set was used to: 1) link precursor emissions and aerosol, 2) link aerosol at the surface to aerosol in the mixed layer, and 3) investigate the aerosol indirect effect on clouds and precipitation. To achieve those goals, the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility (AMF) was deployed in Hyytiälä, Finland, for a period of 7.5 months, starting in January 2014, to capture the seasonal variability of biogenic aerosol at this boreal environment site. The experiment took place at the University of Helsinki SMEAR II research station, which has been monitoring biosphere-atmosphere interactions continuously since 1996. The AMF observations were supplemented by tower- and surface-based measurements of aerosol and precursor gases. During intensive observational periods, aircraft observations of aerosol microphysics were performed. The experiment also benefited from existing measurements of precipitation provided by the Finnish Meteorological Institute observational network. The 7.5-month data set was placed in perspective with the long-time series available from Hyytiälä. It was utilized in modeling efforts ranging from process models to global climate models, capitalizing on the ability to perform radiative transfer calculations with full closure.
The BAECC campaign took place in a boreal forest environment in Finland.
The BAECC campaign took place in a boreal forest environment in Finland.


Michael Boy

Jaana Bäck

V. Chandrasekar

Gerrit Deleeuw

Veli-Matti Kerminen

Harri Kokkola

Mika Komppula

Hannele Korhonen

Markku Kulmala

Ari Laaksonen

Hanna Lappalainen

Kari Lehtinen

Janne Levula

Heikki Lihavainen

Anders Lindfors

Dmitri Moisseev

Ewan OConnor

Sami Romakkaniemi

Douglas Worsnop

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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed May 2024