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Integrated IOP operations is primarily determining the maximum benefit of utilizing the research aircraft for potential experiments that cut across more than one IOP. Flights with the Cloud IOP (Citation, King Air) and for the Aerosol IOP (King Air) are fairly self-contained. UAV IOP flights (UAV Altus and Twin Otter) are also self-contained. However, the Shortwave Radiation and Cloud IOPs rely heavily on the UAV aircraft flights.

However, there are many areas for interaction between IOPs. The UAV IOP would like augmentation in the areas of measurement of aerosol properties under clear-sky conditions and cloud microphysical and macroscopic properties under cloudy sky conditions. Water vapor and aerosol profiling are germane to most of the IOPs, as are measurements of radiative properties.

Possibilities for aircraft interaction within the planned UAV experiments include:

Experiment Group 1 (Geostationary Satellite Over the Central Facility):

  • Column to Troposphere: The Altus will be at its ceiling height for an extended period of time and the Twin Otter will not fly. Under clear conditions, the G-1 could take aerosol vertical profiles, and under cloudy conditions the Citation or King Air could make cloud microphysical measurements.
  • Aircraft Atop Clouds: The Altus and Twin Otter will fly above clouds. Either the Citation of the King Air could be used to measure cloud microphysics.
  •  Aircraft Over and Under Clouds: The Altus will fly above clouds and the Twin Otter will fly below clouds. Either the Citation of the King Air could be used to measure cloud microphysics.

Experiment Group 2 (Surface Characterization):

  • BDRF versus Tome of Day: The Altus will be at its ceiling measuring over various surface types. Under clear skies, the G-1 could take aerosol vertical profiles.
  • Albedo versus Cloudiness and Sun Angle, Skin Temperature: The Twin Otter will be flying at low altitude during both of these experiments. If desired, the G-1 could take aerosol vertical profiles.

Experiment Group 3 (ARESE Revisited):

  • The Altus (above cloud) and Twin Otter (below cloud) will fly a stacked formation. The Citation or King Air could make microphysical measurements in-cloud during this period.

Experiment Group 4 (Diurnal Radiation Budget Quantities):

  • The Altus will orbit the Central Facility for a period of 24 hours or more. Under clear skies, several flights could be made by the G-1, spaced throughout the daylight hours, to obtain aerosol and water vapor vertical profiles. Under cloudy skies, several flights could be made by the Citation or the King Air to characterize cloud microphysics.

Experiment Group 5 (Water Vapor Profiles):

  • Water Vapor profiles from available aircraft could be made during the Water Vapor, Aerosol, and Cloud IOPs.

Experiment Group 6 (Aerosol Vertical Profiles):

  • The G-1 could provide aerosol vertical profiles during the clear -sky activities during the Shortwave Radiation IOP
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed May 2024