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The Two-Column Aerosol Program (TCAP) is designed to provide a detailed set of observations with which to (1) perform radiative and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) closure studies, (2) evaluate a new retrieval algorithm for aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the presence of clouds using passive remote sensing, (3) extend a previously developed technique to investigate aerosol indirect effects, and (4) evaluate the performance of a detailed regional-scale model and a more parameterized global-scale model in simulating particle activation and AOD associated with the aging of anthropogenic aerosols. The 12-month campaign is scheduled to take place July 2012 through June 2013. Research flights take place in July 2012 and February 2013.

Airborne Instruments

G-1 Payload

Category Measurement Instrument Sponsor
Platform Pos/Vel/Attitude Position/Velocity @ ~10Hz Trimble DSM AAF
Pitch/Roll/Azimuth Trimble TANS 10Hz AAF
Atmospheric State Temperature Rosemount 102 probe AAF
Static Pressure Rosemount 1201F1 AAF
Differential Pressure (dynamic: Rosemount 1221F2; alpha: Rosemount 1221S1; beta: All-Sensor 20-inch-G-4V) Gustprobe AAF/BNL
Dew-point Temperature GE-1011B chilled-mirror hygrometer AAF
Absolute humidity TDL (Tuneable Diode Laser) AAF
5-port air motion sensing: true air speed, altitude, angle-of-attack,side-slip, T, RH AIMMS-20 AAF
Liquid and Total Water Content Liquid water concent, total water content SEA WCM-2000 AAF
Liquid water content CAPS-hotwire AAF
Cloud Microphysics Cloud droplet size distribution (25-1500 µm) CIP (part of CAPS) AAF
Large aerosol and cloud droplets (2-50 µm) CDP AAF
Large aerosol and cloud droplets (0.5-50 µm) CAS (part of CAPS) AAF
Aerosol Total particle concentration
(> 3 nm)
Total particle concentration
(> 10 nm)
Aerosol size distribution
(60-1000 nm)
Aerosol size distribution
(100-3000 nm)
Large aerosol and cloud droplets (0.5-50 µm) CAS (part of CAPS) AAF
Aerosol absorption Radiance Particle/Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP) AAF
Aerosol scattering Nephelometer (TSI 3563) AAF
Aerosol hygroscopicity, f(RH) Humidigraph (PNNL built) AAF
Aerosol chemical composition, anions, cations, and water soluble organic carbon Particle Into Liquid Sampler-Ion Chromatography-Water Soluble Organic Carbon (PILS-IC-WSOC) AAF
Size-resolved aerosol composition HR-ToF-AMS PNNL
Single particle mixing state, aerosol size, density and shape Mini-SPLAT II PNNL
Soot mass, number and size distribution DMT SP-2 Single Particle Soot Photometer AAF
CCN concentration at 2 super-saturations DMT Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) counter
(dual SS)
Aerosol Sample Collection Sample stream of dry aerosol, sizes < 5 µm Isokinetic inlet (heated) AAF
Sample stream of cloud-droplet residuals In-cabin Counter-flow Virtual Impactor (CVI) AAF
Maintains flow through aerosol inlet and internal plumbing Pump for aerosol flow AAF
Radiation AOD, Size Distribution, Aerosol Absortion, Aerosol Extinction Spectrometer for Sky Scanning and Suntracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR) NASA-Ames/PNNL
Upwelling shortwave radiation global, 415, 500, 615, 673, 870, 940,1625 nm spectral channels MFR AAF
Upwelling shortwave radiation global, broadband SPN-1 unshaded AAF
Gases Carbon Monoxide CO analyzer+vacuum pump+Argon purge cylinder AAF
Other Central data acquisition/display system SEA M300 AAF
Cockpit movies Nose Video Camera AAF
Cockpit display of precipitation returns Weather radar AAF
Traffic Collision and Avoidance System TCAS AAF
Terrain Awareness and Warning System TAWS AAF

B-200 King Air Payload (July 2012 only)

Measurement Instrument Sponsor
Aerosol Optical Depth (532 nm) Research Scanning Polarimeter NASA/GISS
Backscatter Coefficient
(532 and 1064 nm)
High Spectral Resolution Lidar NASA
Backscatter Ratio (532 nm) High Spectral Resolution Lidar NASA
Depolarization (532 and 1064 nm) High Spectral Resolution Lidar NASA
Extinction Coefficient (532 nm) High Spectral Resolution Lidar NASA
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed May 2024