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ARM Users Honored at 2018 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Published: 18 February 2018

Betsy Weatherhead
Alexander Ryzhkov

Several ARM Climate Research Facility users were recognized during the 98th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, which took place January 7 to 11 in Austin, Texas.

Betsy Weatherhead, a senior scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Alexander Ryzhkov, a senior research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at the University of Oklahoma and National Severe Storms Laboratory, were named AMS Fellows.

“Those eligible for election to Fellow shall have made outstanding contributions to the atmospheric or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences or their applications during a substantial period of years,” the AMS constitution says.

Fellow nominations are open to the society’s members. Individuals are elected each year by the AMS council at its fall meeting.

Also, Weatherhead received the Kenneth C. Spengler Award “for creating linkages and fostering open communication about forecast improvements among the public, private, and academic sectors of the weather enterprise.”

Heads of the Class

Chris Bretherton
John E. Walsh

Professors Chris Bretherton and John E. Walsh were selected as 2019 Lecturers. The awards will be presented at next year’s AMS annual meeting.

Bretherton, who works in the atmospheric sciences and applied mathematics departments at the University of Washington, was named the Bernhard Haurwitz Memorial Lecturer “for fundamental advances in understanding cloud processes across scales from turbulence and convection to atmospheric waves and large-scale circulations.” He expects to give the lecture at the AMS Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence in June. Bretherton is a co-principal investigator for the Measurements of Aerosols, Radiation, and Clouds over the Southern Ocean (MARCUS) field campaign, which is scheduled to end in April.

Walsh was chosen as the Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Sciences “for sustained contributions to understanding arctic weather and climate, including the ecological and societal impacts of climate and cryospheric change at high latitudes.” He is a research professor with the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Recognition for Research Contributions

Kuo-Nan Liou

Kuo-Nan Liou, a distinguished professor of atmospheric sciences and director of the Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, was awarded the Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal. He was recognized “for intellectual leadership and seminal contributions to improving the theory and application of atmospheric radiative transfer and its interactions with clouds and aerosols.”

During the 2018 AMS annual meeting, Liou gave an invited presentation (“A Perspective on Radiative Transfer and Cloud Microphysics in Climate Models”) at the Third Symposium on Multi-Scale Predictability.

Jose D. Fuentes

Jose D. Fuentes, a professor in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Pennsylvania State University, received the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biometeorology “for uncovering the significance and workings of key interactions among flora, fauna, and the atmosphere and their role in regional and global environmental change.”

Fuentes has worked on research connected to the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/15) field campaign, which looked at aerosol and cloud life cycles—particularly the susceptibility to cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions—within the Amazon Basin.

Top-Notch Reviewers

Javier Fochesatto
Ali Tokay
Shuguang Wang

Three ARM data users received Editor’s Awards for their journal reviews:

  • Javier Fochesatto (University of Alaska Fairbanks) – Editor’s Award, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology: “For providing valuable reviews that helped the decision-making process, particularly in controversial situations.”
  • Ali Tokay (University of Maryland, Baltimore County/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) – Editor’s Award, Journal ofApplied Meteorology and Climatology: “For frequent and in-depth reviews of manuscripts related to precipitation microphysics and estimation, and remote sensing using radar.”
  • Shuguang Wang (Columbia University) – Editor’s Award, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: “For consistently excellent, careful, and constructive reviews on a wide variety of topics that helped authors improve their manuscripts.”

Scientist Receives Service Award

Jiwen Fan

Jiwen Fan, an atmospheric scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the lead author of a recent GoAmazon2014/15 paper in Science, received a Scientific and Technological Activities Commission Outstanding Service Award on behalf of the AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry. The award recognized Fan’s significant contributions to promoting the atmospheric chemistry field within the AMS community, including her committee leadership and key roles in organizing conferences and symposiums.

Fan chaired the AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry for three years (January 2014 to January 2017). She was co-chair in 2013 and spent six years on the committee overall.

Get Your Nominations Ready for Next Year

Deadlines to submit 2019 nominations are May 1, 2018, for awards and fellows. Nominations for 2020 Lecturers will open in January 2019. The next AMS annual meeting is January 6 to 10, 2019, in Phoenix, Arizona.

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