Resources for New ARM Users
Welcome to ARM!
Here you will find a list of resources to help familiarize yourself with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility.
About ARM
Learn about the mission, vision, and history of ARM, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility. Also contains links to facility documents, reports, management structure, and ARM Data Discovery.
Acronyms and Glossary
View up-to-date dictionaries of ARM and atmospheric science terms. You can also find these at the bottom of each page (under Resources).
Facility Background Information
Read information materials that communicate ARM’s goals and scientific results to the general public.
Get an overview of ARM’s organizational structure and points of contact for leadership, boards, constituent groups, operations, and engineering. The operations group includes instrument mentors—scientists and engineers who calibrate and assess the status of ARM’s 450-plus instrument systems. The engineering group includes science translators, who develop value-added products from the direct output of ARM instruments. Science translators and instrument mentors also serve as liaisons between the scientific community and ARM infrastructure staff.
Use ARM Data and Capabilities
ARM Data Discovery
Here you can access and order data from the ARM Data Center. ARM focuses on obtaining continuous measurements, supplemented by field campaigns. In 30 years, ARM has amassed more than 3 petabytes of freely available data worldwide.
Get details about ARM’s fixed-location, mobile, and aerial atmospheric observatories; instruments; value-added science data products; modeling capabilities; and high-performance computing resources.
Field Campaigns
ARM provides the scientific community with the operational and logistical resources to conduct field campaigns that focus on advancing research in support of the ARM mission. Members of the scientific community may submit proposals for conducting campaigns using ARM resources.
DOE Atmospheric System Research (ASR)
ARM is a user facility that engages with partners from many organizations but has a close relationship with ASR, which is also within DOE’s Biological and Environmental Research program. ASR seeks to improve understanding of the key cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and radiation processes that affect the Earth’s radiative balance and hydrological cycle, especially processes that limit the predictive ability of regional and global models.
Share Your Research With ARM
Your DOE-funded journal articles must be included in DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) database. Each time you publish a journal article, ARM has a simple form for you to fill out to share your article with DOE ARM and ASR management and with OSTI.
Research Highlights
You are expected to write highlights for each of your DOE-funded journal articles. This is a very important opportunity to summarize your work and describe its impact. Moreover, submitting a research highlight provides more information about your work in a format that can be shared with your colleagues and with DOE management. Highlights are also included in the ARM newsletter to increase your work’s visibility.
ARM has a form for you to submit your research highlight and publication information in one step—this includes ASR and OSTI.
Connect With ARM
Account Management
Registration for a free account is required to access data, propose and conduct a field campaign, visit a site, and/or receive ARM and ASR email communications. After you have created your account, you can log in to update your personal profile and manage your ARM and ASR subscriptions, including monthly newsletters, information on ARM proposal calls, and ASR working group communications.
ARM User Executive Committee (UEC)
Elected by ARM users, the UEC serves as the official voice of the user community in its interactions with ARM management.
Ask Us
Fill out the Ask Us pop-up form if you have an ARM-related question. Your question will be routed to the appropriate ARM personnel for assistance. The Ask Us link is also located at the bottom of each page (under Help).
Atmospheric Observer Newsletter
ARM’s Atmospheric Observer newsletter includes facility and campaign news, user and staff profiles, data announcements, event notices, research highlights, and recent ARM-related publications.
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ARM User Profile
ARM welcomes users from all institutions and nations. A free ARM user account is needed to access ARM Data.